Friday, March 25, 2011

Looking for that special someone

On my drive to Hope Alive earlier this week, I was listening to radio talk show hosts discuss the importance of children having positive male role models in their lives. They said that children who do not have father figures in their lives are emotionally handicapped. We agree and know this to be true at Hope Alive.

The day after listening to the radio discussion, God reminded me of the importance of this need among our youngest residents. My husband came to Hope Alive after work to address some property repair issues and when he came into the house, several of the children ran to greet him with books in hand wanting his attention. Seldom are female volunteers or staff greeted with such excitement.

Of the 66 children we’ve served since opening our doors, many of them have emotional challenges attributed in part or in whole to the lack of a positive father figure in their lives. I’ll never forget one such child. This youngster’s abandonment by her father was the source of the emotional issues she wrestled with. Her biological father had dropped in and out of her life so often that at her young age she knew she couldn’t depend on him for the security and loving support that she desperately needed. A father figure stepped into her life in a very healthy way to fill this painful void and she‘s now finding healing.

But what about the children who are still searching for that special someone to help meet this important emotional need? Every child deserves the chance to experience unconditional love, acceptance and happiness so they don‘t grow up to be emotionally handicapped adults. It's this father-figure - or lack thereof - that gives children (and adults) an understanding of who our Heavenly Father is. I believe we can do and need to do more for our youngest residents in this area. Let me know if you're feeling called to respond.

On a similar note, everyone can help meet the needs of our youngest residents by attending our upcoming Visions for Hope annual fundraising event on Thursday, April 28 beginning at 6:30pm at the Delaplaine Visual Arts Education Center in downtown Frederick. This fun family-friendly event benefits Hope Alive’s children’s programs that are designed to meet the unique needs of our resident children. Check out our website at for more information or to register to attend.

Until next week ...

Sue Oehmig Founder and Executive Director

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